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[Ext. Casting] Justice in Unity: Redux (Videospiel)
Dear @Noëlle McHenry
Here comes my interpetation of Renee and her emotions with a bit of lunacy (fits to me very well *haha)
Hope the pronuncation of her name is correct?!
And now a few battle screams
It was difficult without knowing the scene and the reason why she has to scream or to fight.
I improvised sometimes with a word like "no", "damn" or "go to hell" in german.
Maybe it is this, what you are searching for ... or you can tell me more about the story and I would try it once more.
I think my neighbourhood is totally confused by now *lol
Now they have to think that I not only torture cats (this is the sound when I sing ;-) ) but also that I'm really lunatic
But...who cares? It was fun
@Hörlili Thank you! I love the amount of emotion you put into it. Just a note, not that any of the other character auditions have this: the name "Émilie" is read like "Emily".
@Luna Tick Perfect, thank you! Yep, you pronounced her name right. Loving those battle cries! The context is that she feigns surrender, then lunges to attack Kommissar Mortensen (the player).
Also, I know that feeling! Back when I used to voice act, I must've concerned my neighbors with some of the screaming lines I had to record... Surprised they never called the cops!
Ich schmeiße mich und zwei weitere Sprecherinnen gerne mal in den Ring. Falls ihr einen von uns haben wollt. Einfach mal reinhören und rückmelden, dann würden wir uns auch bewerben.
Danke für den Hinweis...war auch ganz komisch...als ich es gepostet hab, fehlte auf einmal Renée bei dem Beitrag...aber wenn ihn zum bearbeiten geöffnet habe, stand Renée mit drin...jetzt hier der erneute Versuch
E voila. isch ätte gern ein zimmeer
resserviert.....:tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy: ob das französisch klingt wenn man es so ausspricht wie ichs geschrieben habe.....keine Ahnung....auf alle Fälle....man kann den take hören.
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